Strindberg Season: The Stronger

By August Strinberg

Translated by Michael Meyer

Directed by Terje J Tveit

Set Design: David Patterson and Terje J Tveit

Lighting Design: Finnuala McNulty

Production Assistant: Sanna Stellan

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Produced with the generous support of

Rosemary Branch Theatre

25 March - 12 April, 2003

Two women (Amelia and Madam) are discussing across a round table with a dark blue velvet tablecloth, a single coffee cup and an ashtray.

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The Stronger, Rosemary Branch Theatre

Head shot of a woman (Amelia) without a necklace. Her facial exprssion is composed and contemplative.

© Image courtesy of StagePhoto

The Stronger, Rosemary Branch Theatre

Head shot of a woman (Madam) with a necklace and a cigarette.

© Image courtesy of StagePhoto

The Stronger, Rosemary Branch Theatre


Anouka BrookA Woman (Amelia)
Tiffany DunlopA Woman (Madam)
Sanna StellanA Waitress
Two women (Amelia and Madam) are discussing across a round table with a dark blue velvet tablecloth, a single coffee cup and an ashtray.

© Image courtesy of StagePhoto

The Stronger, Rosemary Branch Theatre

“As a prelude to Miss Julie, director Terje Tveit has produced the very short but interesting The Stronger. A chance meeting between two acquaintances on Christmas Eve provokes pride, guilt, betrayal and resolution, wholly encompassed in a soliloquy. Tiffany Dunlop as Madame sweeps upon her adversary Amelia, played with silent assurance by Anouka Brook in a tirade of forced bonhomie. Suspicions are aroused, accusations thrown and matters never fully resolved, leaving the audience to question who is the stronger. Brook’s silent performance speaks as eloquently as Dunlop’s and both actresses complement each other perfectly in a scene, which requires a great deal and generosity from each to work well.”

A woman (Amelia) is sitting at a table. Her facial expression and stare is distant.

© Image courtesy of StagePhoto

The Stronger, Rosemary Branch Theatre
